Selected works by Brian Cantwell Smith
On the Origin of Objects
Published by MIT Press, an initial sketch of Brian's metaphysical (epistemic and ontological) view.
The Promise of AI: Reckoning and Judgement
Published by MIT Press, a public-facing critique of contemporary AI. Highlights the importance of a genuine world for reference and anything deserving the label 'intelligence'. Came out before ChatGPT, but still relevant.
Computational Reflections
In preparation for publication by MIT Press.
Meaning & Mechanism
(2023, v0.60 intro)
Work-in-progress, 41 pages.
Indiscrete Affairs V1
(2010, v0.80)
Draft of a book that is a collection of important papers plus substantial annotation/commentary. 502 pages.
Indiscrete Affairs V2
(2010, v0.80)
Draft of a book that is a collection of important papers plus substantial annotation/commentary. 402 pages.
Alan Galey, Part 1
Part 1 (35 minutes) of a discussion titled 'AI Utopias/Dystopias' conducted online for Prof. Alan Galey's INF 311 course ('Information in the Cultural Imagination') at the University of Toronto in November, 2020.
Alan Galey, Part 2
Part 2 (31 minutes) of a discussion titled 'AI Utopias/Dystopias' conducted online for Prof. Alan Galey's INF 311 course ('Information in the Cultural Imagination') at the University of Toronto in November, 2020.
Inference in a Nonconceptual World
Video recording (100 minutes) of Zoom lecture given on December 7, 2022 in the Understanding the Nature of Inference colloquium series at the Franke Program in Science and the Humanities at Yale University.
The World According to Deep Learning and Second Wave AI
Video recording (57 minutes) of the MIT Alumni Association's Faculty Forum Online from May 14, 2019.
CTNS Interview
Text transcript of an interview of Brian Cantwell Smith by Gordy Slack, conducted on February 16, 1997 for the Center for Theology and Natural Science of the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, in preparation for a workshop (held June 8–10, 1997) on the relation between computer science and theology. 35 pages.
Digital Future: Meaning of Digital
Video (90 minutes) of presentation recorded on January 31, 2005 at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC for C-SPAN, part 4 of their series 'Managing Knowledge and Creativity in the Digital Context'.
Effing the Ineffable
Video recording (85 minutes) of presentation to weekly seminar of the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society in Toronto, Ontario on Augutst 19, 2021.
Reckoning and Judgement: The Promise of AI
Video recording (83 minutes) of presentation given on January 27, 2020 at the Franke Program in Science and the Humanities at Yale University.
Deference, Humility, and Awe
Video recording (71 minutes) of talk given on October 25th, 2014 at the University of Toronto Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Mind (UTism) on the topic of 'Church and Mental State: Perspectives on Cognitive Science and Religion' hosted by the Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence Students Association (CASA).
The philosophy of computation: Meaning, Mechanism, and Mystery
Video recording (49 minutes) of talk given at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne while Brian was in France for the 2013 Ph.D. defence of Alexandre Monnin (on whose committee he served).
Is consciousness representational?
Video recording (111 minutes) from January 27, 2015. The Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence Students' Association (CASA) and the Cognitive Science Program at the University of Toronto present the inaugural session of the Mutual Relevance Lecture Series: in which two professors from different disciplines discuss together an issue relevant to Cognitive Science. In this session Dr. John Vervaeke, from the Department of Psychology and the Cognitive Science and Buddhism, Psychology, and Mental Health Programs, and Dr. Brian Cantwell Smith, from the Faculty of Information, will be discussing consciousness.
Ethics of AI in Context: Reckoning and Judgment
Video recording (56 minutes) of talk presented to the University of Toronto Centre for Ethics on October 24, 2017.
Metaphors for Mind
Video recording (20 minutes) of talk on June 19, 2017 at the YHouse Summit at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University.
The Couch or the Bottle: Levels of Abstraction and the Anxious Mind
Video recording (78 minutes) of class lecture given on February 26, 2015 to the Brain, Mind & Consciousness (BMC) class taught by Rasmus Winther at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Computer Science, AI, and Philosophy of Science
Remarks for a panel discussion of the conference on the "Stanford School" of Philosophy of Science, October 25-26, 2013.
Philosophy of AI
The Promise of AI: Reckoning and Judgement
Published by MIT Press, a public-facing critique of contemporary AI. Highlights the importance of a genuine world for reference and anything deserving the label 'intelligence'. Came out before ChatGPT, but still relevant.
Semantics in the Time of Computing
Skeleton/notes, used as a basis for several talks. 7 pages.
From E & M to M & E
(edited 2009, v0.80)
A journey through the landscape of computing. 'Electricity & Magnetism' to 'Metaphysics & Epistemology'. 23 pages.
Original published in 2008 (Luciano Floridi, ed., Philosophy of Computing and Information: 5 Questions, Automatic Press/VIP)
Formality and Separation
Position paper given at the Oksnoen Workshop, June 1991. 16 pages.
Requiem for the Computational Theory of Mind
(edited 2010)
Talk given as the Presidential Address for the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Society for Philosophy & Psychology. 22 pages.
Original published in 1999 (Presidential Address, 25th Anniversary Meeting, Society for Philosophy & Psychology, June 21, 1999)
Défaire l'Occident
Notes for a talk ('Dismantle the West') given at a summer school in Plainartige, France. 26 pages.
Four Dialects of Computing
Discussion of four fundamental dialects: meaning/mechanism; abstract/concrete; static/dynamic; singular/plural (one/many). 24 pages.
Subjectivity & Objectivity
(2009, v0.80)
Presented as the Thomas Langford Inaugural Lecture at Duke University. 23 pages.
Original published in 2001 (Presented as the Thomas Langford Inaugural Lecture at Duke University on December 4, 2001, in conjunction with taking up the Kimberly Jenkins University Professorship in Philosophy and New Technology.)
Linguistic & Computational Semantics
(2018, v0.81)
Annotated version of a 1982 Xerox Parc memo. 28 pages.
Original published in 1982 (XEROX Palo Alto Research Center)
Philosophy of Computation
Foundations of Computing
(2009, v0.80)
The paper is intended to serve as an introduction to the Age of Significance. 40 pages.
Annotated (2009)
Original published in 2002 (Matthias Scheutz, ed., Computationalism: New Directions, MIT Press, 2002, pp. 23–58.)
Limits of Correctness
(edited 2014, vC.04)
Originally presented at a Symposium on Unintentional Nuclear War at the Fifth Congress of the International Physicians for the Prevention Nuclear War, Budapest, Hungary. 34 pages.
Original published in 1985 (June 28–July 1, 1985.)
(2012, v0.73)
Brian's analysis of the potential for interactions between computing and philosophy. 74 pages.
Solving the Halting Problem
Slides given for a lecture. 79 slides.
One Hundred Billion Lines of C++
(edited 2009, v0.60)
Published in Cog Sci News, Lehigh University. 16 pages.
Original published in 1997 (Cog Sci News, Lehigh University, 1997)
Indiscrete Affairs
(2009, v0.60)
An analysis of digitality, and a demonstration of the plethora of dimensions and peculiarities of this notion. 27 pages.
Deconstructing Digitality
Dismantling some of our preconceptions about the foundations of the Information Age. 5 pages.
The Devil in the Digital Details
(edited 2010, v75)
Digital abstraction and concrete reality. 22 pages.
Original published in 2002 (la Calcografía Nacional Simposio internacional arte gráfico y nuevas tecnologías, 2002)
Digital Future: Meaning of Digital
Video (90 minutes) of presentation recorded on January 31, 2005 at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC for C-SPAN, part 4 of their series 'Managing Knowledge and Creativity in the Digital Context'.
Two CDs
Slides for an undergraduate talk on why different pressings of the “same” CD will sound different. 16 slides.
Beyond Links: Reference and Identity on the Web
Early sketch of a paper written for discussion at iTable, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto. 23 pages.
Registration, Representation, and Ontology
Deference, Humility, and Awe
Notes for a talk given at University of Toronto Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Mind (UTISM). 12 pages.
The Correspondence Continuum
(2018, v0.81)
Annotated version of a paper from CSLI. 106 pages.
Annotated (2018)
Original published in 1987 (Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) January 1987 Report No. CSLI-87-71)
Rehabilitating Representation
(edited 2009)
Lightly-edited version of a paper delivered at a workshop on Intentionality and the Natural Mind sponsored by the Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Program, Washington University in St. Louis. 83 pages.
Original published in 1998 (March 19–20, 1998)
The Couch or the Bottle: Levels of Abstraction in the Anxious Mind
Slides for a talk that was given several times (UCSC, Linköping); an analysis of what it is to say that a phenomenon is “at” a given level of abstraction. 51 slides.
The Nonconceptual World
(2009, v0.60)
An argument against classical ontology, which takes the world to come in something like “conceptual form”—objects exemplifying properties. 38 pages.
Dennet on Smith
(2009, v0.80)
Daniel C. Dennett commenting on Brian Cantwell Smith, and reply. Includes text of a discussion with Rob Cummins. Edited by Hugh Clapin. 74 pages.
Original published in 2002 (Hugh Clapin (ed.), Philosophy of Mental Representation, Oxford University Press, 2002)
Effing the Ineffable
Talk notes and slides. Articulation of how much the world transcends our ability to understand it. 24 pages.
Who's on Third? (Talk)
Notes/slides. An account of how the subjective (“phenomenal”) feel of consciousness is a natural consequence of any (adequate) view of intentionality and registration that is not based on an ontologically-given world. 38 pages.
God, Approximately
A number of manuscripts have been circulated under this title. 43 pages.
Original published in 1994 (W. Mark Richardson and Philip Clayton, eds., Science and the Spiritual Quest: New Essays by Leading Scientists, Routledge, 2002, pp. 207-28.)
Third Day
(edited 2009, v0.80)
Essay written to accompany a catalogue of Adam Lowe’s paintings. 13 pages.
Original published in 1992 (Essay written to accompany a catalogue of Adam Lowe’s paintings; published in Registration Marks, «Ref: Permaprint... 1992»)
It’s Harder Than That
Notes for a talk. Upping the Ante on the Science / Religion Debate. 12 pages.
More than Mere Mechanism
(1998, v~GA 3.5)
An early draft of God, Approximately. 9 pages.
Towards a Theory of Representation and Modelling
Notes for Representation/Modelling seminar, November 5, 1985. 17 pages.
Computational Reflections
In preparation for publication by MIT Press.
Procedural Reflection in Programming Languages
(edited 2012)
Ph.D. Thesis, 194 pages.
Original published in 1982 (Ph.D. Thesis)
Reflection and Semantics in Lisp
(edited 2009)
Procedural reflection and 3-Lisp. 56 pages.
Original published in 1984 (Conference Record of the Eleventh Annual acm Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (popl), Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 1984, pp. 23–35)
Varieties of Self-Reference
(edited 2009)
Originally prepared at Xerox PARC. 25 pages.
Original published in 1986 (Joseph Y. Halpern (ed.), Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the 1986 Conference, Monterey, California, March 19–22.)
3Lisp Implementation
Technical paper on the implementation of 3-Lisp, with Jim des Rivieres. 40 pages.
Interim 3Lisp Reference Manual
Technical reference manual for 3-Lisp, with Jim des Rivieres. 124 pages.
Reply to Cummins' "Representations, Targets, and Attitudes." 13 pages.
Commentary on Dretske, Fred, “Putting Information to Work”. 11 pages.
Duda et al
Comments on “State of Technology in Artifical Intelligence” chapter of Duda, Nilsson, and Raphael. 12 pages.
Commentary on Fodor, Formality and the Philosophy of Mind. 32 pages.
Commentary on Donna Haraway. 10 pages.
Lenat • Owl
A review of "On the thresholds of knowledge", by D.B. Lenat and E.A. Feigenbaum. 38 pages.
Lowe • Third Day
(1992, v0.80)
Essay written to accompany a catalogue of Adam Lowe’s paintings. 13 pages.
Original published in 1992 (Essay written to accompany a catalogue of Adam Lowe’s paintings; pub- lished in Registration Marks, «Ref: Permaprint... 1992»)
McDermott • Two Lessons
(edited 2009, v0.80)
In response to Drew McDermott, “A critique of pure reason.” 17 pages.
Original published in 1987 (Computational Intelligence, 3(33), 214–18 (1987), in response to Drew McDermott, “A critique of pure reason.” Computational Intelligence 3(33), pp. 151–60, 1987.)
Milikan • Mental Indexical
Response to Ruth Garrett Milikan’s “There’s no ‘I’ in Mentalese.” Notes, 4 pages.
Rouse • Science Matters
Commentary on Joe Rouse "How Scientific Practice Matters." Notes, 21 pages.
Simon • Inside-Out
Commentary on Herbert A. Simon’s
‘Literary Criticism: A Cognitive Approach.’ 6 pages.
Smith (BH) • Belief and Resistance
A Response to Chapter 8, “Microdynamics of Incommensurability” of Barbara Herrnstein Smith’s "Belief and Resistance". 19 pages.
Star • Dear Leigh
Celebration of Susan Leigh Star: Her Work and Intellectual Legacy. 11 pages.
Taylor • Cognitive Psychology
A commentary on Charles Taylor's "Cognitive Psychology." 23 pages.
Minds and Machines • Part A
Course given at the University of Toronto. 82 slides.
Minds and Machines • Part B
Course given at the University of Toronto. 231 slides.
Minds and Machines • Part C
Course given at the University of Toronto. 309 slides.
Minds and Machines • Part D
Course given at the University of Toronto. 137 slides.
Philosophy of Information
Syllabus for course given at the University of Toronto.
Philosophy of Artifical Intelligence
Lecture notes and syllabus for course given at the University of Toronto.
Philosophy of Computation
Lecture notes, syllabus, and problem sets for course given at Indiana University.
Fan Calculus
An attempt to develop a new calculus (on the order of the predicate calculus, algebra, the differential calculus (“the calculus”), the λ-calculus, etc.) for reasoning about objects — where the issue of identity of objects is taken to derive from what is predicated of them, rather than being an intrinsic feature. Therefore no built-in notion of identity of anything, general or particular — including the elements of the calculus itself.
In Progress
Creatures Made of Clay
Brief notes for a potential book.
Who's on Third?
Early notes/draft. An account of how the subjective (“phenomenal”) feel of consciousness is a natural consequence of any (adequate) view of intentionality and registration that is not based on an ontologically-given world. 7 pages.
Registering the World
Skeleton/notes. Straightforward presentation the idea of “registering” the world—and the whole ontological/epistemological/metaphysical picture. 12 pages.
Rough and Ready
An informal guide to the tortuous landscape of metaphysics, ontology, and epistemology. 18 pages.
Skunkworks for a Future University, when transitioning from Duke to University of Toronto. 18 pages.
Strategic Computing
With Severo M. Ornstein and Lucy A. Suchman. 5 pages.
Semantics of Clocks
(edited 2009)
Slightly revised version of a paper that appeared in "Aspects of Artificial Intelligence". 34 pages.
Original published in 1998 (James H. Fetzer (ed.), Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Kluwer 1998, pp. 3–31.)
The Edge of Academe
(2011, v2)
Notes for a talk given at the University of Toronto. 7 pages.
Towards 2040
(2013, v0.1)
Notes about the future of tertiary education. 5 pages.
Text Reference Scheme
Notes on Brian's text reference scheme. 1 page.
Writing Tips
Set of writing tips developed by Brian over the years, used in many courses. 17 pages.
CTNS Interview
Text transcript of an interview of Brian Cantwell Smith by Gordy Slack, conducted on February 16, 1997 for the Center for Theology and Natural Science of the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, in preparation for a workshop (held June 8–10, 1997) on the relation between computer science and theology. 35 pages.
A great picture of Brian explaining something to Bill Gates.
The Edge of Academe
(2011, v2)
Notes for a talk given at the University of Toronto. 7 pages.
Towards 2040
(2013, v0.1)
Notes about the future of tertiary education. 5 pages.
Text Reference Scheme
Notes on Brian's text reference scheme. 1 page.
Writing Tips
Set of writing tips developed by Brian over the years, used in many courses. 17 pages.
Procedural Reflection in Programming Languages
(edited 2012)
Ph.D. Thesis, 194 pages.
Original published in 1982 (Ph.D. Thesis)
Reflection and Semantics in Lisp
(edited 2009)
Procedural reflection and 3-Lisp. 56 pages.
Original published in 1984 (Conference Record of the Eleventh Annual acm Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (popl), Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 1984, pp. 23–35)
Varieties of Self-Reference
(edited 2009)
Originally prepared at Xerox PARC. 25 pages.
Original published in 1986 (Joseph Y. Halpern (ed.), Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the 1986 Conference, Monterey, California, March 19–22.)
3Lisp Implementation
Technical paper on the implementation of 3-Lisp, with Jim des Rivieres. 40 pages.
Interim 3Lisp Reference Manual
Technical reference manual for 3-Lisp, with Jim des Rivieres. 124 pages.
Foundations of Computing
(2009, v0.80)
The paper is intended to serve as an introduction to the Age of Significance. 40 pages.
Annotated (2009)
Original published in 2002 (Matthias Scheutz, ed., Computationalism: New Directions, MIT Press, 2002, pp. 23–58.)
Limits of Correctness
(edited 2014, vC.04)
Originally presented at a Symposium on Unintentional Nuclear War at the Fifth Congress of the International Physicians for the Prevention Nuclear War, Budapest, Hungary. 34 pages.
Original published in 1985 (June 28–July 1, 1985.)
(2012, v0.73)
Brian's analysis of the potential for interactions between computing and philosophy. 74 pages.
Solving the Halting Problem
Slides given for a lecture. 79 slides.
One Hundred Billion Lines of C++
(edited 2009, v0.60)
Published in Cog Sci News, Lehigh University. 16 pages.
Original published in 1997 (Cog Sci News, Lehigh University, 1997)
Indiscrete Affairs
(2009, v0.60)
An analysis of digitality, and a demonstration of the plethora of dimensions and peculiarities of this notion. 27 pages.
Deconstructing Digitality
Dismantling some of our preconceptions about the foundations of the Information Age. 5 pages.
The Devil in the Digital Details
(edited 2010, v75)
Digital abstraction and concrete reality. 22 pages.
Original published in 2002 (la Calcografía Nacional Simposio internacional arte gráfico y nuevas tecnologías, 2002)
Two CDs
Slides for an undergraduate talk on why different pressings of the “same” CD will sound different. 16 slides.
Beyond Links: Reference and Identity on the Web
Early sketch of a paper written for discussion at iTable, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto. 23 pages.
Semantics in the Time of Computing
Skeleton/notes, used as a basis for several talks. 7 pages.
From E & M to M & E
(edited 2009, v0.80)
A journey through the landscape of computing. 'Electricity & Magnetism' to 'Metaphysics & Epistemology'. 23 pages.
Original published in 2008 (Luciano Floridi, ed., Philosophy of Computing and Information: 5 Questions, Automatic Press/VIP)
Formality and Separation
Position paper given at the Oksnoen Workshop, June 1991. 16 pages.
Requiem for the Computational Theory of Mind
(edited 2010)
Talk given as the Presidential Address for the 25th Anniversary Meeting of the Society for Philosophy & Psychology. 22 pages.
Original published in 1999 (Presidential Address, 25th Anniversary Meeting, Society for Philosophy & Psychology, June 21, 1999)
Défaire l'Occident
Notes for a talk ('Dismantle the West') given at a summer school in Plainartige, France. 26 pages.
Four Dialects of Computing
Discussion of four fundamental dialects: meaning/mechanism; abstract/concrete; static/dynamic; singular/plural (one/many). 24 pages.
Subjectivity & Objectivity
(2009, v0.80)
Presented as the Thomas Langford Inaugural Lecture at Duke University. 23 pages.
Original published in 2001 (Presented as the Thomas Langford Inaugural Lecture at Duke University on December 4, 2001, in conjunction with taking up the Kimberly Jenkins University Professorship in Philosophy and New Technology.)
Linguistic & Computational Semantics
(2018, v0.81)
Annotated version of a 1982 Xerox Parc memo. 28 pages.
Original published in 1982 (XEROX Palo Alto Research Center)
Deference, Humility, and Awe
Notes for a talk given at University of Toronto Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Mind (UTISM). 12 pages.
The Correspondence Continuum
(2018, v0.81)
Annotated version of a paper from CSLI. 106 pages.
Annotated (2018)
Original published in 1987 (Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) January 1987 Report No. CSLI-87-71)
Rehabilitating Representation
(edited 2009)
Lightly-edited version of a paper delivered at a workshop on Intentionality and the Natural Mind sponsored by the Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology Program, Washington University in St. Louis. 83 pages.
Original published in 1998 (March 19–20, 1998)
The Couch or the Bottle: Levels of Abstraction in the Anxious Mind
Slides for a talk that was given several times (UCSC, Linköping); an analysis of what it is to say that a phenomenon is “at” a given level of abstraction. 51 slides.
The Nonconceptual World
(2009, v0.60)
An argument against classical ontology, which takes the world to come in something like “conceptual form”—objects exemplifying properties. 38 pages.
Dennet on Smith
(2009, v0.80)
Daniel C. Dennett commenting on Brian Cantwell Smith, and reply. Includes text of a discussion with Rob Cummins. Edited by Hugh Clapin. 74 pages.
Original published in 2002 (Hugh Clapin (ed.), Philosophy of Mental Representation, Oxford University Press, 2002)
Effing the Ineffable
Talk notes and slides. Articulation of how much the world transcends our ability to understand it. 24 pages.
Who's on Third? (Talk)
Notes/slides. An account of how the subjective (“phenomenal”) feel of consciousness is a natural consequence of any (adequate) view of intentionality and registration that is not based on an ontologically-given world. 38 pages.
God, Approximately
A number of manuscripts have been circulated under this title. 43 pages.
Original published in 1994 (W. Mark Richardson and Philip Clayton, eds., Science and the Spiritual Quest: New Essays by Leading Scientists, Routledge, 2002, pp. 207-28.)
Third Day
(edited 2009, v0.80)
Essay written to accompany a catalogue of Adam Lowe’s paintings. 13 pages.
Original published in 1992 (Essay written to accompany a catalogue of Adam Lowe’s paintings; published in Registration Marks, «Ref: Permaprint... 1992»)
It’s Harder Than That
Notes for a talk. Upping the Ante on the Science / Religion Debate. 12 pages.
More than Mere Mechanism
(1998, v~GA 3.5)
An early draft of God, Approximately. 9 pages.
Towards a Theory of Representation and Modelling
Notes for Representation/Modelling seminar, November 5, 1985. 17 pages.
Rethinking our Thinking about Thinking
(2020, v4)
Adapted and extracted from "The Promise of Artificial Intelligence". 12 pages.